Saturday, August 2, 2008

Jack Of All Trade

I m back!!! yes! i m back.....for 10 days ...wish it could be a longer break time for me. So what have i done last month? I m being trained as a

1) door opener (yes..i need to know the steps to open different aircraft door ),
2) security guard, (we have martial art/self defence class too!)
3) safety guard,
4) 1st aid paramedic, (we learn 1st aid from nurses)
5) evacuation "director"..... (to know what to do incase of evacuation needed)

Is not easy to become a cabin crew. "what differenciate a waitress and a cabin crew is the safety training that a cabin crew need to go through" - i totally agree to this.

That was what i did last month - safety training. Soon i will be in training again for another 1 more month, this time..for service training. Let's see how it will change me....haha!


Anonymous said...

So finally got your dream comes true for being an elegant beautiful air hostess?

Unknown said...

Congrats~~~ any how do you need more training for martial arts ? :P I can teach some perhaps